Based on best practices, they remain fully customizable.
The brand new hyperforming internship management platform for the health and social services sector.

Reduces the number of non-conformities by up to 65% in less than 12 months.

Correspondance et suivi
Simplifie la collaboration quotidienne aux nombreux suivis de votre organisation.

Here are some examples of applications created with WEHOOP
Human ressources
- Onboarding new employee
- Job posting
- Request for absence
- Request for training
- Request for union leave
- Departure notice
- Evaluation during probationary period
- Risk analysis of international projects
- Authorization to contract on a call for tenders
- Infrastructure management
- Purchase requisition< /li>
- Requisitions for movable and fixed assets
- Monitoring of budget commitments
Sales and production
- New product development and introduction
- Sample request
- Product redesign request
- Quote request and product entry order
- Project management
- Change management
- Site mobilization
Information resources
- Access request
- Improvement request
- Change request
- Production request
- Report an anomaly
Material resources
- Request for access to parking lots and facilities
- Request for space allocation
- Request for equipment rental
- Management technical services
Quality and ISO
- Identification and declaration of non-compliance
- Evaluation of services
- Management of alerts
- Complaints management