Get the perfect plan for your business.

Compare our plans
Powerful Workflows
Customized workspaces including daskboard and widgets
Multiplatform and Bilingual
Two-factor Authentication (2FA)
Document management and surveys
WEHOOP Studio and application lifecycle management
Advanced Workflows
Integrate workflows with your website (public form)
Data integration
Custom Branding
Custom API integration
Authentication OAuth 2.0
On-premise Availability
Number of users included 15 25 50
Unlimited and temporary users
Load balancing and redundancy

Contact us to get your custom plan

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    Frequently asked questions

    How does the WEHOOP subscription model work?
    Instead of a perpetual license model that locks you in for years and requires a significant upfront investment, WEHOOP uses a subscription-based licensing model. Subscriptions are billed annually and payable in advance.
    How many users can I buy on each plan? Is there a limit?
    There are no limits to the number of users you can buy on any plan. WEHOOP can support thousands of people and apps across your organization.
    How much document storage space do I get?
    Each plan comes with different quantities of storage space for your presentations, contracts, photos, recordings—whatever assets are important to you. Speak with us. We're happy to provide more details and discuss options.
    Can I really build all the applications I need with a paid subscription?
    Yes, with a paid subscription there is no limit on the number or complexity of applications you can build. The price of your subscription is based on the platform edition and the number of end users.
    Do you offer a service to build my applications?
    If you run out of time or staff, we'll be happy to direct you to one of our expert partners, who can design, build, modify and integrate your applications to your exact specifications.
    Can I have some users on one plan and others on another?
    All users must be on the same plan.
    What kind of support does WEHOOP offer?
    WEHOOP offers a number of support options to ensure you are successful. All of our plans include unlimited case-based support, as well as access to online support documentation. Contact us for more details.